Law Boy

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Wire Taps

I think that if a government agency gets a wiretap with a warrant, they should only release what they were looking for, and this would be documented in the warrant, not something funny or entertaining they happen to also find. The warrant should be very specific as to what can be released. All of the other captured stuff must be deleted. As it is, citizens have very little privacy outside of their home with cell phones with GPS, all types of cameras, and people’s personal memory. It seems that if you want to protect your own privacy, you should not say or do anything if you are not prepared to be recorded.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Geniuses can stay

I think that if say, you win a world-wide science fair for robotics, and then they find out that you are an illegal alien they shouldn’t deport you. You can make exceptions for exceptional scientists or engineers like Albert Einstein and Wernher Von Braun. If fact, the USA did make exception for them. But, the illegal immigrant, Oscar Vasquez, had to go. Even though, he led a winning Arizona team over the feared and fabled MIT team in a world-wide science underwater robotics competition. I think that people should vote to see if he stays or goes, although this isn’t optimal it’s at least more reasonable.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Let Blagojevich Go

Should it be illegal for a governor to appoint a person that benefits himself? No, this means former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich should be have been found not guilty of all those charges and the jury was right.
I think that governors, presidents, and CEOs should be able to appoint people that benefit them because they might also be the best person for the job. They should NOT be your relatives; that would be nepotism.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Online Jury Problems

Online juries are a good idea for the government, because the government would save money. But, I doubt the defendant would get any benefit in short cases, but they might also get some benefit in long ones (more than a week). Yet, I do think there would be technical problems. Also, online jury might have numerous unintended consequences. For example,
Hackers could intercept your vote and then vote for you.
Are the people that wrote the online jury system code trustworthy?
The online jury system source code could be stolen and corrupted.
A juror could be persuaded by their family to vote a different way than if they weren’t there to persuade them.
It might be easier to bribe a juror
There might be more mistrials or the criteria for a mistrial might have to be changed.


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Should there be a way to do jury duty online? I think so and here is how I’d do it.

To be a juror, you would need to have a personal computer, netbook, or smart phone. You go a website at a designated time, say 8:00 AM. Then, you enter a user name and password that has been sent to you via the mail or by automated voice message to your phone. Once connected, you can watch the lawyers, witness, and judge through a webcam that has been loaned to you if you don’t already have one that is compatible with jury duty online system. The same loan arrangement can be made for a PC. The loan costs can be deducted from your jury pay.
Why bother? Because of all the time and cost savings. You don’t have to go to the court house, you can be a juror from your own house. It less stressful, so you can focus on the case and not what your wearing or how your family is doing.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Jury duty

I don’t know if I really could say that I think jury duty is a good or bad idea because you go all the way out there to the court house and then some of the people never even get picked. This could be because they are related to the defendant or plaintiff, have a bias one-way or another, or just maybe are too opinionated on some topic. For example, teachers probably don’t get picked much because they believe that you shouldn’t get away with anything, not even for chewing gum or teasing someone. So, teachers probably wouldn’t give someone the benefit of the doubt in a shooting case. For sure when I grow up and am an attorney I wouldn’t picked one to judge my clients.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Old Agent 202

Alexander Graham Bell’s 73-year-old great grandson, Walter Kendall Myers, got arrested and he was found guilty of spying for Cuba and wire fraud. He apparently did not think that the things the US was saying were right, and he didn’t like that US wasn’t trading with Cuba under the Helms-Burton law. He wasn’t found out by the State Department’s audit trails or tools while working there, but by the FBI with the help of a defector. This brings me to another point: defectors should be valued source of legal immigration. Defectors often face, for some reason or another, persecution in their native country. Defectors are a great source of information that has a different or inside perspective that can’t be obtained elsewhere. Finally, defectors have a variety of experiences and knowledge that is a valuable asset to the fabric of the US through legal immigration.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Spy Trade

When we captured a team of Russian spies we traded them for some US spies. This was a horrible trade. They had broken the law and should have had their day in court with justice being served. At the very least, we should have had one, the ring leader, stand trial. But no, the government sends them all back under the dark of night in exchange for what?! Other spies… These cloak and dagger mid-night exchanges are cool in movies, but justice needs the light of day and court. I feel espionage is a very serious crime that should be dealt with harshly.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Let’s do H1-B visas right

H1-B Visas’ require applicants to go back after 6 years for one year before they can reapply. This is very inefficient because you could keep them here, even if they were unemployed or could not work at the same company for that year. It would save everybody money to just let them stay here, just in the cost of gas and plane tickets this makes no sense. This part of the law could have been written by the same bureaucrats who wrote Arizona’s SB1070 law. I think that it is good to require H1-B visa applicants to have a college degree. You know they got accepted in to a college, and passed their classes. So, it is a good risk for employers to hire employees on H1-B Visas. The H1-B visa program is a great opportunity to promote legal immigration too because H1-B visa applicants are smart, hard working, and know what this country is like.

If Arizona Is Right, I Would Rather Be Wrong

Arizona’s immigration law is most definitely wrong. How do I know? Because, Arizona was the only state that opposed the Martin Luther King Day holiday. That sure gives me no confidence in their legislature. Besides, I love the Martin Luther King Day holiday because my birthday is usually the same day as it. Also, my grandparents went to Sedona, Arizona and got a T-shirt for my sister but not me; just another reason not to like the big AZ. Finally, I use to love fire fighting trucks and once I saw an airport fire truck at an Arizona airport, but I couldn’t go outside to see it up close, because it was too hot!