If people organize on Facebook to commit crimes, Facebook shouldn’t be liable. It is hard for Facebook to monitor the content of its site without invading the privacy of its users. Facebook is kind of like UPS, UPS isn’t liable for the content of the packages on their trucks because it would be invading their customers’ privacy. Finally, if criminals didn’t use Facebook to organize, they would use email, mail, webcam, etc.
I see where you're coming from, but I also think that if major companies (like facebook and UPS) are willing to generate money through their services and in the process make it possible for criminal activity to take place, they should also be made to take responsibility for their actions and spend some of their profits on counter-measures to protect the very society they're benefiting from, from crime. There are too many examples of the law contradicting itself and making it possible for criminals to get away with offences-i.e. through reliance on the right to privacy. Where do we draw the line? The law is one big balancing act-it needs to prioritise what we, as a society, most value, and most of the time there is no clear-cut answer.