Law Boy

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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Is it you or YouTube?

YouTube and the people who upload music, TV shows, and videos are obviously breaking lots of copyright laws. But, YouTube isn’t breaking them first, nor is it involved in the choice of which copyrights are broken (but YouTube sure does market those violated copyrights that are the most popular). It isn’t even clear what monitoring responsibilities YouTube has. This is partly why YouTube beat Viacom in Viacom’s billion dollar lawsuit against them. It is a complicated “he said, she said” that would confuse the best juries. Also, the person watching a YouTube video might buy-it or not buy-it anyway. But, I think that YouTube should be held at least partly responsible for breaking so many copyright laws. It like stealing a little bit from every copyrighted piece of music, TV show, or video owner; but not enough to bother with the work, expense, and trouble to go after a copyright violator. However, that doesn’t mean YouTube copyright violations aren’t occurring every day.

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