Law Boy

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Illegal Poison Ivy Remover

Illegal Poison Ivy Remover
I am only 12, so a haven’t seen very many illegal immigrants, but there was one time in particular, when I did see some. It was the day my dad had a landscaping company remove the poison ivy in my back yard. First, my dad called a company to send out some workers to clean our yard. Then, he called again and at least a third time too. When the company finally did come, these workers were most likely illegal immigrants because the landscape owner said his workers from Mexico were the only ones who didn’t get poison ivy. I guess that was because they were apparently not allergic to poison ivy; they didn’t even wear gloves. Although these workers didn’t get poison ivy, their supervisor was very afraid to get it. That’s why my dad had a hard time getting the company to come work in my backyard. In this case of poison ivy removal, illegal immigrants got the job done better than any American could have. You have to appreciate that even though all illegal immigrants are technically committing a crime, some just come to America in search of a better life or a better job. Didn’t our founding fathers’ ancestors do that? Didn’t the pioneers of the West do that? Didn’t the colonists of Mars do that? Well, that last one hasn’t happened yet. Finally, the constitution does say that you have the right to the “pursuit of happiness.” So, some of the working illegal immigrants should be able to stay.

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