Law Boy

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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Pay to Pay

You use money when you buy things at the supermarket or just about anywhere you buy things; and you pay tax on top of the purchase price too. In other words, so to pay for anything, you also need to pay a tax in addition to the cost of the item. We are so familiar with this pay and pay again model, because we do it all the time. While this is completely reasonable for a revenue generation point-of-view, I doubt it is fair. Why don’t I think it fair? It’s too much like when credit card companies charge interest on interest. And I don’t think the founding fathers liked double of anything: double jeopardy, double fines, double taxation, or double interest payments. I am just using buying stuff at the supermarket as an example.
But in any case, I don’t think it is reasonable for you pay and pay again for the same thing.

I prefer to buy my stuff on the internet, and then pay a little to insure it. This is a bit of a double payment too but it is your choice.


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